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5 Best Vitamins for Weight Loss

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Best vitamins to take for weight loss

Have you ever considered taking vitamins for weight loss? And is it possible that they even work?

Taking vitamins on a daily basis is beneficial for many different reasons beyond weight loss, keeping your body working like a well-oiled machine.

Our bodies become deficient in micronutrients over time, depending on our environments and lifestyles.

When your body isn’t functioning at it’s best, it’s really difficult to lose weight.

These are common struggles that come with a vitamin deficiency:

  1. 1. Fatigue
  2. 2. Stress
  3. 3. Emotional eating
  4. 4. Hormone imbalance
  5. 5. High blood pressure
  6. 6. Burn-out

As a result, you’re more likely to turn to highly processed foods.

When you’re feeling like crap, sugar provides a temporary relief.

Eating in general can feel comforting in highly stressful moments.

It’s a cycle most people fall into, so the key is to find things that counteract the issues listed above.

This is where vitamins come in.

Your body needs certain nutrients to function properly, and it’s hard to get them through diet alone.

Taking vitamins keeps you energized as you begin to lose weight, and doesn’t leave you at risk of becoming deficient in nutrients as you drop pounds.

But, there are some vitamins that are more beneficial than others.

I’ve included the top 5 best vitamins to take below, so you can easily know that you’re on the right track.

Also, if you’ve been following me for a while on this blog you’ll recognize my recommendations in this post. I LOVE Invite’s vitamins and they have helped aide in my own weight loss goals.

Throughout this post you’ll see my recommendations for the specific type of vitamins I use, because I want to make sure if this is something you’re serious about that you have knowledge about the best products out there for your goals.

5 Best Vitamins for Weight Loss

1. Vitamin D

Humans mainly get Vitamin D from the sun. Although it is in some foods, it’s most likely not in a lot of the foods you eat.

So, if you don’t get enough sun during the day there’s a chance you could be deficient in it.

Vitamin D helps aid in weight loss because studies show it increases levels of testosterone, which has been proven to help with weight loss.

A bonus is Vitamin D helps with improving serotonin levels, and this helps boost your mood.

Talk with you doctor to see if you may be deficient in Vitamin D and if you could take daily vitamins to help regulate it.

2. Iron

Women are more likely to become deficient in iron due to their monthly periods. And if you’re a vegetarian as well, the risk increases.

If you feel lethargic, weak, or tend to crave weird things like dirt or clay, then you could be deficient in iron.

Iron helps with weight loss by increasing your energy and keeping your body strong .

When you have zero energy, it’s a lot easier to reach over for a bag of chips and skip the gym.

Work on adding more iron-filled foods into your diet, like spinach or salmon.

3. Magnesium

Technically, Magnesium is a mineral but it’s still essential for your health and weight loss.

Magnesium regulates blood sugar and helps transport calcium and potassium throughout the body, which keeps your heart healthy.

And, if you’re overweight or at risk for diabetes, Magnesium helps balance out your blood sugar levels for anyone with insulin resistance.

Magnesium helps you lose weight by noticeably reducing bloating and taking off some water weight.

This, along with exercise and a clean diet can really help you begin to shed weight.

4. Calcium

Yes, it’s ok to eat dairy! Stock up on greek yogurt for breakfast and fat-free milk to increase your daily calcium levels.

Calcium provides small increases in thermogenesis, the body’s core temperature.

This may boost metabolism, which can prompt our bodies to burn fat.

If weight loss is your goal, eat three servings of fat-free or low-fat dairy products every day.

5. B-12

Vitamin B-12 gives you more energy and boosts your metabolism, helping you shed unwanted pounds.

It also helps the body convert fats and proteins into energy and aids in the breakdown of carbohydrates.

While taking vitamins to help with weight loss is recommended by most, it’s always good to consult with your doctor first.

Your doctor can run tests to check what you may be deficient in, and will give you a better idea of which ones to focus on.

Plus, you’ll know the exact amount of what you should take for your specific body type.

Final Note

Depending on what you’re looking for, it might be easier to get individual vitamins to supplement deficiencies.

But, I’ve found that trying to take multiple vitamins every day gets a little challenging, especially when I barely remember to brush my teeth on some mornings.

So, if you’re like me and want something simple, I recommend Invite’s Core Nutritional Program.

This is my absolute favorite formula for maintaining my weight and energy. I started this program at the start of my weight loss journey and fully believe it helped me push through the really tough times. Losing weight isn’t easy so it helps when you find something like this that actually works.

For someone who struggles with anxiety and depression, fatigue can easily hit me and I lose all motivation to take care of myself. With Invite vitamins, my energy levels stay even throughout the entire day.


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