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10 Best Foods That Burn Belly Fat

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Whether you’re looking to burn some belly fat by next week, or just get into better shape, eating the best foods will get you there the fastest.

The dieting world is confusing, isn’t it? You’re always told what you should be eating (and more importantly what you shouldn’t).

Losing weight has become increasingly complicated. But, I’m here to make it a little more simple for you.

You know calories in vs. calories out means weight loss.

So, exercising and eating right will get you there.

But, what does eating right mean? Does that mean low-sugar, low-fat, low-calorie, no-carbs?

Sure, it can if you want it to.

If you just want to burn belly fat without restricting yourself too much and constantly having to obsess about the food you eat…

Then I’ve compiled a list below of the best foods that burn belly fat.

And yes, some have high amounts of fat. Some are high in sugar.

The reality is, it’s impossible to avoid anything and everything. You can still get the same results with these foods I’ve listed.

In fact, they are the best for a reason. They not only keep you feeling full and burn belly fat.

These foods keep your body healthy and strong as your weight falls off.

Making it so much easier to stick to eating them, and to include them into your regular diet.

Here are the 10 Best Foods that Burn Belly Fat

1. Eggs

The high protein and healthy fats in eggs are key to keeping you fuller throughout the morning.

No need for a mid-morning snack if you opt for eggs at breakfast.

Try this: ½ Avocado on 2 slices of whole grain toast, with a boiled egg on top. Finish off with some salt and pepper and you’ll have yourself a delicious, energizing, and fat-burning breakfast!

2. Bananas

Bananas usually get a bad rep for being high in sugar and calories. While this is true, bananas are actually one of the best foods that burn belly fat!

This fruit is full of healthy fiber that reduces hunger, while also burning fat.

Try this: 1 frozen Banana, ¼ cup cocoa powder, 8 oz almond milk, vanilla protein powder.

Put banana in a blender with half the almond milk, blend until banana is smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until it’s a consistency you like.

This is an awesome and easy smoothie you can have first thing in the morning, or after an intense workout. Keeping you full until dinner, while filling your body with all the right nutrients!

3. Coconut Oil

According to HealthLine, there’s a mixed answer as to whether or not coconut oil helps you burn fat and lose weight.

And while you shouldn’t consume it by the spoonfuls because of the high calories, coconut oil actually has a lot of benefits to promote your health.

It boosts your metabolism, energy levels, and helps reduce hunger. These are things you need to support you in your weight loss journey.

I encourage anyone and everyone to keep coconut oil in your diet while you are trying to lose belly fat, just be sure to moderate the amount each day.

Try this: Add tablespoons of coconut oil to your morning coffee. Also, consider replacing any cooking oils you use with coconut oil.

4. Coffee

Ah, probably my favorite thing on this list. The caffeine in just one cup of coffee can boost calorie burning by four percent over the course of two and a half hours.

And if you’re not a fan of coffee, drink green tea instead. It’s the caffeine in the two that acts a belly fat burner.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

While difficult to drink on its own, ACV has a ton of health benefits. Which is why you should consider adding it into your daily routine.

The acidity in apple cider vinegar helps you burn more fat, and taking a shot each afternoon can help curb your afternoon cravings.

It also gives you a slight energy boost to power through the rest of the work day.

Try this: Add ¼ lemon juice, ½ teaspoon cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a small glass. Stir and take as a shot. (You get used to the taste after a few days).

6. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is one of those tasty superfoods, full of vitamins A, C and E. Helping to strengthen your immune system.

It also helps aid in weight loss. Since pumpkin is high in nutrients and low in calories, it’s a great food to have on a regular basis.

Pumpkin contains quite a bit of fiber, which means it will help keep you full for longer.

Try out this amazing pumpkin soup recipe (my go-to on cold winter days!)

7. Salmon

Salmon not only gives you an instant burst of energy after eating, it helps speed up your metabolism.

Wild salmon is the best option, although more expensive. Aim for 2-3 meals a week that include 9oz of salmon.

Try this: Set your oven to 375 degrees. Grab a baking pan and place aluminum foil on the inside. Grab a 9oz salmon and cut off the excess fat on the bottom.

Place the salmon on the baking pan, and drizzle with 2tbsp coconut oil. Cut up ½ lemon into circle slices. Place the lemon pieces on the lemon, and add salt and pepper to taste. Bake salmon until cooked through (about 15-20 minutes). Once done, add the rest of the lemon juice and serve with steamed broccoli.

8. Asparagus

Asparagus is pretty close to a zero-calorie food. You have to eat a lot for it to make a difference.

Even if you were to eat a lot of it, you’d be so full from all the fiber that you’d stop eating for a long time afterwards.

Aside from it making some people’s pee stink, asparagus is a great option to burn belly fat.

Add it as a side to your salmon as a double whammy.

9. Sweet Potatoes

The good kind of carbs. Sweet potatoes are an amazing source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

There’s even research that suggests it has cancer-fighting properties.

Sweet potatoes level out your blood sugar, keeping your energy even. Which means less of a tendency to overeat. And since they have so many nutrients to keep your body healthy as you lose weight.

10. Spicy Foods

Spicy foods have been shown to boost your metabolism.

The next time you cook dinner, add some crushed red peppers or cayenne to the dish.

The spice also helps curb your appetite, so be sure to add it on the nights you feel extra hungry.


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