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10 Simple Exercises for Burning Belly Fat

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Exercises for burning belly fat

Are you ready to start burning belly fat, lose weight and feel amazing?? Good! You’re in the right place.

Before I go into the different types of exercises that help burn belly fat, I want to point out that diet also plays a huge role in getting a flat belly.

You want to be sure that you’re eating the right foods.

These foods are some of the BEST for reaching your goals:

  • •Avocados
  • •Yogurt
  • •Blueberries
  • •Green Tea
  • •Whole Grains
  • •Salmon

Adding these into your diet will help you achieve your goal that much quicker.

You can learn more about the best foods that burn belly fat here.

Once you have the foods out of the way, you want to set up a consistent workout routine.

You don’t only have to do exercises that burn belly fat, but it’s recommended to add in the exercises below either to each workout, or have this be one of your workouts that you do 2-3 times a week.

Doing cardio on top of these exercises will definitely speed up the process as well.

Running or walking for 30 minutes on alternative days from these exercises is all you need.

Related reading: How Walking Helps For Weight Loss

How to Get Motivated to Work Out

It’s so easy for me to tell you what to do, but it’s a different story actually getting yourself to do it.

Motivation to be healthy and workout comes from within.

I recommend setting up a helpful routine that you can stick to each week. It doesn’t have to be super complicated, in fact the easier the better.

Every Sunday, set aside an hour or two to plan for the upcoming week.

With this time you’ll:

  • •Meal prepping
  • •Create a motivating workout music playlist
  • •Organize your workout clothes for the week
  • •Schedule in time each day to exercise

Having a plan like this sets you up for success.

Once you have this out of the way it’ll be a lot easier to follow through.

10 Simple Exercises for Burning Belly Fat

Be sure to pin this to your workout boards on Pinterest, that way you can easily reference it when you’re ready to workout!

Follow these 10 exercises all the way through, and feel free to repeat to get a more intense workout.

Also, be sure to do a 5-minute warm-up before you start! You can avoid injury and stiff muscles by doing this.

1. Plank for 30 Seconds

Burning Belly Fat Plank
  1. 1. Lay down on your stomach and lift your body off the ground using your elbows and legs.
  2. 2. Make sure your back is straight and your core tight.
  3. 3. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

2. V-Crunches

Russian Twist
  1. 1. Lay on your back with your legs straight out and arms above your head so that your body is horizontal to the ground.
  2. 2.Swing your arms over your head and towards your legs
  3. 3. At the same time, bring your legs up to your stomach and curl your body into a crunch. Keep your core tight
  4. 4. Release your arms and legs back to the starting position, without letting them touch the ground.
  5. 5. Repeat 20 times.

Related reading: Yoga for Abs and A Strong Core

3. Bicycle Crunches

 Bicycle Crunch
  1. 1. Lay down flat on your back and bring your hands up under your head.
  2. 2. Bring your legs up toward your chest, and lift your head off the ground.
  3. 3. Stretch out your left leg while crossing your right elbow over your torso. Keep your leg elevated off the ground.
  4. 4. Bring your left leg and right elbow back, then do the same with your right leg and left elbow.
  5. 5. Repeat 30x

Exercises for Burning Belly Fat: 4. High Knees

Burning Belly Fat High Knees
  1. 1. In standing position, bring one knee up to your chest then down, then other knee up to chest
  2. 2. Speed up as though you’re running in place, bringing your knees as high up as they can go.
  3. 3. Do 30 reps

5. Burpees

  1. 1. In standing position, swing your arms up to the ceiling while jumping in place.
  2. 2. After landing, hop down into a plank, hold for 2 seconds.
  3. 3. Hop back up to standing and swing your arms up.
  4. 4. Repeat 10x

Exercises for Burning Belly Fat: 6. Push-Ups

Burning Belly Fat Push Up
  1. 1. Start in plank position.
  2. 2. Slowly lower yourself to the ground with your arms, keeping your back straight and core tight.
  3. 3. Push back up to plank position.
  4. 4. Repeat 5x. (If you need to alternate to your knees that’s fine)

Related reading: Beginner Yoga for Strength and Flexibility

7. Mountain Climbers

  1. 1. Start in plank position.
  2. 2. Imagine climbing a mountain, keep your core tight and bring one leg up to your chest.
  3. 3. Bring that leg back, then bring the other leg up.
  4. 4. Speed this up until you’re at max speed.
  5. 5. Count out 30 climbers.

Exercises for Burning Belly Fat: 8. Bridge

  1. 1. Lay on your back with your knees bent.
  2. 2. Lift your butt of the ground with your legs, while keeping your back flat on the ground.
  3. 3. Keep your glutes and abs as tight as possible and hold for 3 seconds.
  4. 4. Release and bring your butt back down to the ground.
  5. 5. Repeat 10 times.

9. Dips

  1. 1. Sit with your arms rested behind you and your legs bent.
  2. 2. Lift your butt off the ground, pulling your pelvis towards the ceiling.
  3. 3. Make your hips even with your chest, hold for 4 seconds.
  4. 4. Bring your butt back to the ground, then repeat 10 times.

Exercises for Burning Belly Fat: 10. Russian Twists

Burning Belly Fat Russian Twist
  1. 1. Sit upright, leaning your body back so that your legs are lifted off the ground.
  2. 2. You can hold your hands together as you twist from side to side.
  3. 3. Make sure to keep your hips and legs in one spot as you twist your torso.
  4. 4. Repeat 10 times.

Final Notes

If you get into the routine of doing this workout 3-4 times a week, you will see flat belly results in no time!


  1. 1. Start out small and build up. If your body isn’t used to intense workouts, go slow and do what you can. Once you do this workout a few times you’ll notice your body will quickly build strength and you’ll power through it.
  2. 2. Once you’ve become used to this workout make sure to mix it up. At more reps, change the types of exercises, and add weights for a harder challenge.

Our bodies adapt so quickly that you’ll notice after week 2 your body will need more of a challenge. Continue to push yourself and increase the load so you keep making progress.

If you work better with a personal trainer and getting someone to actually motivate you, be sure to check out FYT where you get matched with the right personal trainer for you.



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