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Yoga For Anxiety in 10 Minutes

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If you have anxiety yoga is one of the best things to try. Yoga helps calm your mind and body, builds strength, and allows you to practice meditation. This 10 minute yoga for anxiety is something you can do before you wake up, as you unwind for the day, or anytime in between when you just need a break for a few minutes.

Daily life has more demands than ever. And the pressure can be overwhelming. You want to reduce stress. That’s why you should consider yoga for anxiety.

Stress will become overwhelming if you let it.

The trick is to become more mindful. This allows you to put your worries into perspective and let them go

It’s not like they’ll disappear. But they won’t have the weight to control you like they used to.

What are the benefits of yoga for anxiety?

-Yoga gets you to literally slow down. It can even help lower your blood pressure and your heart rate.

– It involves physical poses with mindful breathing. This combination promotes relaxation.

-Yoga can help reduce cortisol levels which will make you feel better during the day, but also help you sleep better at night.

-The movement releases muscle tension. So often we try to reduce stress mentally, but we hold onto it in our bodies physically. Yoga for anxiety helps you physically let go of your stress.

-You can grow spiritually. You become more mindful and this helps you put your problems into perspective. 

Related Reading: Beginner Yoga Stretches You Can Do Right Now

The power of routine

You tell yourself that you’ll make yourself a priority.

But it’s so easy to just slog along with stress.

You want to incorporate things like yoga into your day, but you’re just too busy.

This simple yoga routine is something you can fit into even the busiest schedule.

It only takes ten minutes. Do it before bed to wind down and reduce stress from your day. Or do it first thing in the morning to start your day off right. 

You’ve got a spare ten minutes. So let’s put them to good use. 

Ten minute yoga

This yoga routine focuses on poses that are specifically calming. It’s to be done slowly.

Each pose will last for two minutes.

When you’re in a pose, make sure to be mindful of your breathing.

Feel your ribs and your diaphragm expand slowly with every breath. And let your whole body relax with every exhale. 

It’s only ten minute. So use this time well. Your mind may wander to your worries. When that happens, return your focus back to your breathing. 

Related Reading: Yoga for Flexibility: 10 Best Beginner Stretches

Pose 1: Seated Cat Cow

Sitting is a good way to start any yoga routine. It allows you to take a moment to become mindful and let go.

Cross your legs and close your eyes.

Place your hands on your knees. 

Take in a deep slow breath to the count of five. Hold your breath for five seconds. Now let the breath go to the count of five. Do this two more times.

Now as you breath, start to move your upper body. 

Inhale, and as you do so, lean forward slightly with your heart and feel your back curve into a slight backbend.

Hold in this position for five seconds and then slowly release back to neutral.

Now breathe again, and as you do so, slowly round your back, kind of like you’ve been punched.

Your shoulders should roll forward. Hold this position for five seconds and release back to neutral.

Now slowly move through those two poses, fluidly going from chest out, to stomach in.

This helps get your body move and to get breath into places you’ve been holding tight. 

Pose 2: Legs up the Wall

Sit on your butt with your right side against the wall.

Then slowly swing your body so that your legs go up the wall. Now gently rest your back and the back of your head onto the ground. 

Spread your arms straight out to the side. They should be parallel to the wall.

Legs up the wall is beneficial for your hormones. It can allow your adrenals to rest and recalibrate. 

This pose stretches out your hamstrings. And it also helps release tension in your lower back.

Close your eyes.

As you release physical tension, picture yourself releasing mental tension as well.

We tend to carry the weight of the world in our neck and shoulders.

Since this pose takes all pressure off of that area, this is a great opportunity to reduce stress there as well.  

Pose 3: Reclining Bound Angel Pose

This is a relaxing pose that’s perfect for helping reduce stress and anxiety.

It helps relieve PMS symptoms as well.

Plus it can help you get better sleep, which can help you feel better all day. 

Move away from the wall. This pose will be done lying down, but for this one your legs will be on the ground. 

While on your back, bend your knees and plant your feet onto the ground.

Your feet should be as close to your butt as possible.

Now open your knees to the side. And as your knees fall open, the soles of your feet should touch. Open your arms out slowly to the side.

If this stretch feels too intense, you can put props under your knees to make it more comfortable.

If you don’t have yoga props, try a folded up towel. 

Pose 4: Supine Spinal Twist

This move is a detoxifying. It’s like you’re draining away all your stress and worry.

Start by lying on your back.

Your legs are straight in front of you.

Now pull in your right knee and rotate left. As you do this, slightly lift your right hip off of the floor. 

Place your bent knee on the ground to the left.

Your left leg will stay straight.

Your right hip should stack up on top of the left one. And your head remains still with your gaze on the ceiling. The lower body will be in a twist

Rest in the pose for 60 seconds.

Then let the pose go and return to lying on your back with your legs straight in front of you.

Then repeat the whole thing to the left side. 

Pose 5: Child Pose

This pose is a great way to end any yoga session. And yoga for anxiety should be no different.

This pose can can take you back to a feeling of safety and calm. 

It’s is a chance to stretch your back, your hips, and your thighs. You get to let go of physical stress to increase a feeling of relaxation. 

Start on your hands and knees.

The top of your feet and toes are touching the floor behind you. 

Now bring your hips to your heels and bring your forehead to the ground in front of you.

Spread your knees slightly apart. Your upper body is on top of the floor or a yoga mat.

Your arms are resting at your side next to your legs.

Stay in this pose for two minutes.

Return your focus to your breath. Feel your ribs and your diaphragm expand as you breathe in. Feel your whole body release stress as you exhale.

Helpful Tips

Don’t worry about perfection. That defeats the point. Focus your energy on letting good.

This will be a lot more comfortable if you use a yoga mat. If you don’t have one, find carpet or a rug.

Focus on your breath. But put special focus on the exhale. That’s where your body lets go. Try to let go with every exhale.

Feel free to use a timer to time two minutes. But if you do so, make sure you choose a calming sound to move you from pose to pose.

Schedule this routine into your day. You’re important. So give yourself these ten minutes just for you!


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