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5 Easy Weight Loss Tips

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Easy and healthy weight loss tips to help you lose 10 pounds or more!

Do you feel like you’ve tried every weight loss plan out there and nothing works?  If so, I’m here to tell you that weight loss is actually simpler than you think.  To prove it, I’m sharing my top easy weight loss tips.

While losing weight might be challenging, that doesn’t mean that it has to be complicated.  Make this time around more simple (and even enjoyable) with these 5 easy weight loss tips.

Small Changes = Big Results

As you’ve probably heard or experienced before, weight loss is hard. Even though there are hundreds of different weight loss programs out there, it’s estimated that about 80% of them fail. With so many people failing to lose weight, it may look like weight loss is complicated or even impossible.

So, what’s the real reason why 80% fail and only 20% are successful? It’s because most diet plans do not alter your lifestyle.

Most weight loss plans have you making drastic and oftentimes unrealistic changes in short periods of time.  And, these changes are unsustainable to real life.  For example, a weight loss plan might have you cut out all fats and exercise for hours on end.  While it may lead to results in the short term, you’ll most likely end up falling off the rails at some point.

The best results, and ones that stick, come from small changes that you incorporate into your everyday life and stick to long term.  Many of these changes probably aren’t drastically different from what you do now.

If you make a series of small changes, one at a time, you’ll give yourself a chance to get used to them.  It won’t seem like such a shock to your system when you gradually introduce the changes.

Sooner than you think, you’ll lose weight and gain the healthy body and lifestyle that you desire!

Here are some easy and sustainable weight loss tips that won’t upend your life:

1. Get More Sleep

This may be the most exciting piece of weight loss advice you’ve ever received.  If you’re like me and are always on the go, then chances are you’d LOVE an extra hour or two of shut eye every night.

It turns out that getting enough sleep every night is one of the most effective ways to kickstart weight loss.  Not only is it effective, but all you have to do is stay in bed a little longer every day. How much easier could that be?

Studies show that not getting enough sleep every night is related to weight gain in several ways including:

  • Increasing your appetite for bad foods
  • Increasing your overall calorie intake
  • Reducing your metabolism

Not only that, but not sleeping enough is directly linked to obesity. Therefore, the first step to easily kick starting weight loss is to do nothing but sleep more!

2. Watch Out For Empty Calories

Have you ever taken a look at the back of a soda can only to be blown away by the amount of calories in it? If so, you’re not alone.

Soda and other drinks like mixed alcoholic drinks and juice are what we call empty calories. Empty calories means that you’re probably unaware of how many calories are in what you’re drinking. And to make things worse, unlike food that makes you feel full, drinks high in empty calories don’t fill you up.

This is dangerous in terms of weight loss because not realizing just how many calories you’re taking in can stunt your efforts. Or, you could even gain weight without realizing why.

So, opt for drinks that are either low or zero calories. For example, you can drink cucumber water or fruit infused water and still get that same sweet taste as soda without all the calories. Or better yet, drinking plain water has so many weight loss and wellness benefits.

If you’re having trouble kicking the soda habit, try alternating soda and water each time you go to get a drink. This will gradually get you used to less soda while increasing your water intake.

3. Start Walking

You don’t need to exercise for many hours a day or take an expensive boot camp class to lose weight. Rather, you can just simply walk.

Walking doesn’t feel so much like true exercise, but it is and you’ll be rewarded for it. According to Harvard University, as little as 2 to 4 miles per day (between 20 and 40 minutes) of walking can be enough to help you lose weight.

Some easy ways to integrate more walking into your daily life include:

  • Parking farther from the store
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Going for a walk to catch up with friends

There’s little to no excuse to start walking today!

4. Change to a Smaller Plate

Portion sizes just keep getting larger and larger. In fact, the average plate size in America has grown by about 22% in the past 50 years. As a result, people are gaining weight.

When you have food sitting on a large plate, that food may be a full portion but it looks small in comparison to the size of the plate. But, when your plate is smaller, the amount of food on your plate looks like a larger portion.  

So, you may not even realize that you’re consuming a portion that’s much too large for you when you’re eating off of a large plate.

Therefore, when preparing meals at home, use smaller plates. And, when you’re out to eat, have half of your meal boxed up to-go before it even comes to the table. This way, your portion sizes will be more fitting to what you actually need to feel full.

5. Treat Yourself Regularly

For the last of these easy weight loss tips, be sure to indulge every once in a while. Cutting yourself off completely from little pleasures like desserts will only create feelings of deprivation and cause you to cheat or binge out later.

Plan one or two “cheat meals” per week. They can be a couple pieces of pizza for lunch, a slice of birthday cake at a party, or whatever your favorite meal is for dinner. Try to make these meals feel like a reward for all of your hard work.

Weight loss shouldn’t mean that you don’t get to enjoy the little pleasures of life anymore. Rather, it’s all about moderation and learning to create a lifestyle where your cravings are fulfilled yet are under control.

No matter where you are on your weight loss journey, follow these weight loss tips to create an overall more balanced lifestyle and lose weight!


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