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How to Lose Weight When You Weigh 200 Pounds or More

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Losing weight is a never ending struggle for most people. And when you weigh 200 pounds or more, it becomes even harder to find a weight loss plan and stick with it.

A few years ago I was prescribed anti-depressants for my own anxiety and depression.

At the time, the only thing I cared about what was taking care of my mental health.

Which meant that I stopped caring about my physical health. I would eat to comfort myself through some of the most difficult moments of my life.

I stopped caring about what I was putting into my body and didn’t step on the scale for over 6 months.

This time period was about healing and helping my mind come out of a very depressed state.

When I had to go to the doctor to get a check-up and fill my meds, I got on the scale and was shocked what number flashed back at me.

202 pounds.

I never in my 28 years had gone passed 150 pounds, until now.

What sucks was it effected my mental health, and I began to feel at war with my mind and body.

I did not want to obsess about my looks and weight, but I knew I couldn’t keep acting like it didn’t matter how I was treating my body.

There is a fine balance between the two, and they work together. You shouldn’t have to fight either one in order to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.

One of the things that helped me lose 30 pounds and keep it off is the 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge. The challenge focuses on reducing carbs to kickstart weight loss and reset your whole body.

Here are some other great tips for losing weight when you weigh over 200 pounds.

Every Body is Different

While being overweight is a possible indicator of poor physical health, it doesn’t tell the whole story.

Pay attention to how your body feels. Do you feel energized and strong? Or do you struggle to stand up when sitting on the couch?

Additional factors that point towards poor physical health include:

  • 1. High blood pressure
  • 2. High blood sugar level
  • 3. Low energy
  • 4. High BMI
  • 5. Poor circulation

Your weight plus all of these factors will help you assess whether you are overweight or not.

Before you consider losing weight, it is important to assess whether or not you truly are overweight or not.

Your weight alone does not tell the whole story.

Also, don’t compare your own weight to that of others.

Because everybody’s body is different, you cannot compare your weight directly to anyone else’s.

Instead, use the above factors plus your weight to assess whether or not you are really overweight.

1. Develop the Right Mindset

Before you even start addressing your diet and exercise routine, the first thing to do when trying to lose weight is to have a look at your mindset.

One of the main reasons why so many weight loss programs fail is because they don’t address the mental aspect of losing weight.

A positive mentality and the right outlook are essential elements of achieving and sustaining weight loss.

Some questions you can ask yourself to help develop the right weight loss mindset include:

  1. Why do I want to lose weight?
  2. Why did I gain weight in the first place?
  3. What factors caused me to gain weight?

Ask yourself these questions and write down your answers. One of the best strategies to overcoming weight loss challenges is to develop mindfulness. Mindfulness will keep your mentality in check throughout your weight loss journey.

2. Change up Your Diet

The most obvious way to lose weight is to change your diet.

Some people benefit from removing carbs from their diet, usually known as low-carb or the keto diet.

Eating less carbs helps you lose water weight, reduce bloat, and feel more energized to workout.

You will also see results quicker when cutting down on carbs, which motivates you to keep going.

The main key to losing weight is to reach a calorie deficit.

A calorie deficit means that the amount of calories you consume in a day is less than the amount that you burn.

Essentially, you want your calories in to be less than your calories out.

There are 2 ways to achieve a calorie deficit:

  1. *Eat fewer calories
  2. *Exercise more

To eat fewer calories, you will need to cut out high calorie foods and start eating ones that promote weight loss.

Some high calorie foods that promote weight gain include:

  • >Processed and fast foods
  • >High fat meat, cheeses, and dairy
  • >Fried foods

On the flip side, low calorie foods that are also nutritious and support weight loss include:

  • >Whole grains
  • >Fruits and veggies
  • >Lean proteins
  • >Water and coffee

If healthy eating is something you struggle with, try removing one unhealthy food at a time and exchange it with a healthier alternative.

Going cold turkey is hard and often results in binge eating.

3. Do the Right Exercises

The second part of the calorie deficit addresses exercise. Exercising is the most obvious way you can burn more calories.

In order to do the most effective exercise, follow these tips:

  1. 1. Try different types of exercises
  2. 2. Exercise first thing in the morning
  3. 3. Buddy up or take a class

Doing the same exercises everyday can inhibit your weight loss progress.

If you do the same exercises everyday, your body eventually gets used to them and stops burning as many calories.

Try to do different exercises every day in order to avoid a plateau.

If you are brand new to working out and it’s hard to get motivated, I recommend checking out my Lazy Girl’s Thigh Workout. You can literally do this while watching tv on the couch. It will help ease you into moving more and getting into shape.

Also, working out in the morning has been shown to be more effective than working out later in the day. Some studies have shown that working out early in the morning before eating helps you burn more fat throughout the day.

Third, find an exercise partner or take a class in order to stay motivated. Exercising with someone else not only helps keep you motivated but also pushes you to be better.

4. Be Consistent

Once you’ve established your mindset, eating habits, and exercise regimen, they key to success is to stay consistent.

One 2017 study showed that people who stick to healthy habits over a long period of time rather than crash dieting lose more weight and keep it off.

Instead of attempting to lose weight fast, implement small healthy habits that’ll snowball into big changes over time.

Some tips to stay consistent include:

  • 1. Create a realistic plan
  • 2. Track your progress
  • 3. Make it FUN!

Creating a plan ahead of time helps you avoid making excuses and keep you on track.

For example, a meal plan and healthy meals prepared ahead of time prevents you from going for fast food. The same goes for your exercise.

Next, tracking your progress helps you stay consistent.

I suggest tracking your weight loss in a journal.

That way you’ll know whether or not you’re reaching your goals. You’ll also get a better understanding of what works best for you.

And remember: do what you can to add fun to your weight loss routine.

Cooking new recipes, getting friends involved, and exercising outside are just a few of the ways you can make your weight loss journey more enjoyable.

The more fun it is, the more likely you will stick to it.

5. Reward Yourself

Finally, be sure to reward yourself for sticking to your weight loss goals. Some ways you could not only reward yourself but reinforce your healthy habits include:

  • Getting a new gym membership
  • Taking a trendy exercise class
  • Eating out at a healthy restaurant

All of these rewards work as positive reinforcement. With positive reinforcement, you have a reward to look forward to for putting in hard work. It gives you another reason to keep pushing forward when you feel like quitting.

Lose Weight When You Weigh 200 Pounds

One final thing that I like to recommend to anyone who is interested in kickstarting their weight loss is Avocadu’s 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge.

I’ve done it multiple times to help reset my body and lose weight pretty quickly. The beauty of it is I’ve never gained the weight back because the Avocadu team teaches you how to maintain that lifestyle.

I always recommend the 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge by Avocadu to anyone who’s wanting to get rid of bloat, water weight, and let go of their addiction to processed carbs.

Avocadu’s 21- Day Fat Loss challenge helped me lose 10 pounds in 10 days! And, I’ve been able to lose an additional 20 pounds using what they taught me in addition to paying closer attention to my carb-intake.

I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to lose weight and not gain it back. Avocadu also has an amazing Facebook support group that keeps you connected to other women who are going through the program.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out Avocadu’s 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge here!


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