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How to Lose 1 Pound Daily With a Simple Routine

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How to lose 1 pound daily with a simple routine - Wellness Reset Coach-2

Do you have extra weight to lose and are ready to make a change? If so, you can lose 1 pound daily using these simple tips.

Going on a crash diet or over-exercising is a recipe for disaster, while creating a healthy lifestyle routine full of good habits is the key to dropping weight and keeping it off.

As a general rule, most people recommend you losing weight at a safe pace which is around 1-2 pounds a week.

That’s for good reason. You want to make your weight loss sustainable so you don’t have to be in this predicament 6 months from now.

But, it is possible to lose 1 pound daily especially as you’re just getting started.

When I started my own weight loss journey, I had well over 30 pounds to lose. Hitting the scale at over 210 pounds, I was desperate and so ready to feel good about myself again.

While I did go through a number of different diets and workout routines, I did find one thing that really worked.

And believe it or not, I started losing about 1 pound per day. Within 1 week, I was down 5 pounds!

If you’re interested in learning more about how to lose 5 pounds in just 1 week, definitely go snag your free guide I created that walks you through each simple step. Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week.

Here’s how to lose 1 pound daily with a simple routine.

Mindfulness Habits

Too many weight loss programs never discuss mindfulness practices.

Mindfulness and mental health has a huge impact on weight loss. Once your mind and body start to work together, instead of against each other, you will begin to see amazing results.

Try Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is beneficial for everyone. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or not, meditation promotes stress relief and helps boost positive feelings.

Mindfulness meditation is connected to weight loss in terms of:

Make meditation a part of your daily routine to lose weight. It requires little effort; all you have to do is relax and be present.

Get Enough Sleep

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Sacrificing sleep for the sake of accomplishing a to-do list is common. However, this is detrimental to your health and weight loss efforts.

Research is clear: The connection between weight loss and getting enough sleep is very strong. One study found that not getting enough sleep at night leads to a 55% increased likelihood of obesity in adults.

While everyone needs a different amount of sleep at night, you need to get enough in order to shed and keep pounds off. Getting enough sleep will help you lose weight by:

  • 1. Boosting metabolism
  • 2. Decreasing cravings
  • 3. Enhancing exercise

Journal Your Progress

Writing in a journal helps to increase awareness.

When you are trying to lose weight, being aware of how well your healthy lifestyle changes are going is critical to progress.

You can use a weight loss journal for:

  • >Tracking calorie intake
  • >Setting milestone goals
  • >Reflecting on your experiences

Looking back in your journal is also a great mood booster for times when you’re not motivated to work out or eat well.  It will remind you how far you’ve come and why you are doing this.

Eating Habits

Changing your diet may be the most crucial element of weight loss.

It’s not just about what you eat, but how and when you eat as well.

Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has nothing to do with what you eat and everything to do with when you eat. It involves eating only within a specified time block of the day. The other hours of the day, you eat nothing.

Fasting changes your metabolsim in ways that help you burn fat. It does so by:

  1. >Lowering insulin
  2. >Increasing norepinephrine

Insulin levels go up when you eat and down when you don’t eat. Fasting for long periods of time causes insulin levels to fall to very low levels.

Low levels of insulin for extended periods of time helps burn body fat.

Also, fasting increases norepinephrine in your body. Higher levels of norepinephrine breaks down existing body fat into energy that can be burned up.

Hyping up your metabolism through intermittent fasting will help your body burn fat even when you’re not exercising.

Check out our guide for intermittent fasting beginners to get started today!

Meal Prep

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Preparing healthy meals ahead of time is super helpful for times when you need a healthy meal but don’t have anything ready to go. Also, if you work in an office or regularly travel, having prepped food that is handy for traveling stops you from buying fast food.

Fast food is tempting because it is convenient. 1 in 3 Americans eats fast food at least once per day. The CDC says notes that fast food intake is associated with eating an increased amount of calories. Avoid the temptation of eating fast food by meal prepping ahead of time.

Schedule 1 or 2 days per week to prepare healthy meals. You can make the recipes in bulk, store portions in your fridge or freezer, then heat them up when it’s time to eat.

Exercise Habits

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Exercise is another obvious solution to weight loss. To get the best results, try to get in at least three hours of moderate intensity workouts per week. Moreover, try to get moving for at least 30 minutes everyday. It’s good for weight loss and mental health!

Change up Your Routine

Going through the same old workout routine everyday gets boring. Additionally, not changing up workouts can actually cause plateaus in your weight loss efforts. Doing the same exercises everyday causes your body to get used to them and it responds by burning fewer calories.

Therefore, defeat boredom and plateaus by trying new exercises. Some options include:

  • Yoga and pilates
  • Kickboxing
  • Hiking
  • Cycling
  • Tabata and HIIT

Doing a different workout each day of the week is a great solution.

Exercise in the Morning

The best time of the day to workout may be shortly after the sun rises. Benefits of early morning exercise include:

  1. Burning more calories throughout the day
  2. Increased willpower
  3. Burning more fat during exercise

Specifically, hitting the gym on an empty stomach has shown to increase fat burn by as much as 20%. Showing up to the gym first thing in the morning before breakfast helps double down on your weight loss efforts.

Additionally, motivation to workout tends to decrease throughout the day. Make your workouts a top priority by getting them done first thing.

Lose 1 Pound Daily With the Right Lifestyle

You don’t need to go to extreme measures to lose 1 pound daily. Rather, healthy habits regarding your food, exercise, and mentality is the solution.

A well rounded and balanced approach is the most effective in the end. Strive to implement each of these habits into your daily routine, one by one, until they stick. Once you get them down, the weight loss will become second nature.

Final Note

For anyone who is ready to drop some serious weight, definitely checkout the 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge.

This challenge is what helped me lose 30+ pounds. Through something as simple as reducing my carb intake and creating new habits.

Now, whenever I feel bloated or want to reset my body after eating too much processed foods, I go back to this challenge every time. And it never fails!

Go see for yourself how others have lost 10-21 pounds in just 21 days!


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