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5 Minute Morning Yoga Routine to Power Your Body and Mind

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5 Minute Morning Yoga Routine to Power Your Body and Mind - Wellness Reset Coach

A morning yoga routine starts your day right. 

Mornings are hectic. There’s little time to stop and center.

And a morning yoga routine is a perfect way to stop and center.

Yoga improves your mindset. And it helps you handle all the ups and downs and emotional hurdles.

Whatever life throws your way, you’re ready!

Additionally, you might be stiff from sleep. A morning yoga routine to get your blood flowing.

5 Minute Morning Yoga Routine

Yoga is a great workout. And there are so workout varieties.

There are yoga routines for when you want to sweat, ones for when you want to calm, and ones for building strength.

There’s a yoga option for everyone

This routine is just 5-minutes to energize, center, and stretch. 

Morning yoga has tons of benefits. Here are just a few. 

  • Gets your blood flowing
  • Helps with aches and pains. 
  • Moves your lymph system 
  • Improves immunity
  • Boosts metabolism for the day

This 5 minute yoga routine will power your body and mind.

Easy Pose

The name of this pose can be misleading. It isn’t that this pose is supposed to be easy. But Easy Pose is something that you should be able to do with ease. 

How to do it –

Sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed. Your hands should rest on your thighs. 

Lean backwards and then forwards. Shift left and then right. Now find your center.

Feel your neck and your head gently rise towards the ceiling.

Take 5 deep breaths. As you breathe in, feel your spine lengthen. As you exhale, feel your sit bones root into the ground.

Use this yoga poise to center your mind, and awaken your body. 


Cat/Cow is a great way to start your day. And it’s a gentle massage for your entire spine.

How to do it –

Begin this move on all fours. Your hands are underneath your shoulders. And your knees are underneath your hips. Your head is straight with your gaze towards the floor. 

Cat: Start with an inhale. As you exhale, round your spine. Make sure to also tuck your tailbone.

Cow: Now take another inhale. As you do this, your tailbone tilts upwards. Your head and chest will follow as they move upwards to the ceiling. 

Move gently back and forth between cat and cow. 

Downward Facing Dog.

Yoga Weight Loss Routine - Downward Dog-2

This pose rejuvenates your body and it increases circulation.

How to do it –

Start on your hands and knees. Your hips are over your knees and your shoulders are over your hands.

Curl your toes under. Now, push down with your hands. As you do this, straighten your legs as you push back your hips. 

Drop your head to the floor. Your gaze should be towards your naval. 

Outwardly rotate your upper arms. Rotate your thighs so they move inward.

This popular yoga move is great for the entire body. 

Crescent Lunge Pose

Morning Yoga Routine - Crescent Lunge

You can easily move from Downward Facing Dog to Crescent Lunge Pose. This will start your heart pumping, get your legs working, and energize.

How to do it –

Start from Downward Facing Dog. With your left foot, step through your arms so you end up in a lunge position.

Keep your back foot slightly raised in a lunge position. And your upper body should lift upwards towards the ceiling. Your hips should be square and facing forwards. 

Bring your arms over your head with your palms facing each other. Relax your shoulders if you feel them lifting towards your ears. 

Take a few breaths. Then repeat this movement on the opposite side. 

Wide Leg Forward Fold

This move stretches you all the way from your feet and hamstrings through your head. And it’s great for creating a calm mind or spirit. 

How to do it –

Standing straight, step or jump your legs out so they are 3 to 4 feet apart. Don’t overreach. If you’re shorter, 3 feet is fine. If you’re taller, then you want them to be closer to 4 feet apart. 

Feel your thighs draw inwards. Lift from your chest and your head. 

Learn forward from your hip joints. Your chest moves forward as your head drops towards the ground. And your weight moves towards the balls of your feet. 

Lay your fingertips or hands on the ground. If you can’t reach, place them on your legs or ankles instead. 

If your fingers touch the ground, walk them to be in line with your toes. And bring them towards your heals if you can go further. And bring your head to the ground if possible.

Breathe. Gently lift out of this position and go back to a neutral stance. And now you’re ready for your day!

Yoga Download

Want more great morning yoga routines to make your day better, and your body stronger?

Check out Yoga Download. Stream unlimited yoga classes, grow stronger, and get centered.

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