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10 Lazy Girl Weight Loss Tips

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Does weight loss seem like an overwhelming amount of work to you? If so, you’re not alone. But, I’m here to tell you that weight loss doesn’t need to be overwhelming and is possible even for self-proclaimed lazy girls. With that, I’m sharing my top lazy girl weight loss tips.

Each of these tips requires little to no effort at all. Stick to them for the long term, and the weight should start coming off. Plus, you’ll create an overall healthier and more enjoyable lifestyle!

1. Sleep More!

This first tip is my favorite because it’s a lazy girl’s dream! If you want to lose weight, I first recommend getting more sleep at night.

There’s a lot of cultural stigma that says sleeping a fair amount at night somehow makes you less hard-working. However, research shows that you’re actually an overall more effective and healthier person when you sleep enough. And, even better, sleeping enough is directly associated with weight loss.

So, not only will you lose weight, but you’ll also be a happier and more productive person with more sleep.

2. Try a More Relaxing Workout

You don’t need to do highly intensive bootcamp classes to lose weight. Rather relaxing workouts such as pilates or yoga is more chill yet still helps just as much with weight loss.

In fact, there’s a lot of research out there that says overly-intense workout routines are unsustainable for weight loss. Therefore, opt for a relaxing workout that helps you lose weight, feel good, and is beneficial for the long term.

3. Drink Coffee

Coffee is another lazy girl’s dream! Who doesn’t love the little extra boost that it gives you to get going in the morning? The best part is, the caffeine in coffee has several weight loss-related benefits including:

Now, you can enjoy your morning cup of joe even more knowing that it’s helping to kickstart weight loss.

4. Eat Off of a Smaller Plate

Of all the lazy girl weight loss tips, this one is probably the most unexpected! Research shows that eating your meals off of smaller plates actually causes you to eat less food overall.

Imagine that you just made an amazing salad for lunch. The salad has just the right amount of calories you need for the meal. But, if you put the salad on a big plate, it will create the illusion that the portion is too small and you’ll feel like you need more. On the other hand, if you put the salad on a smaller plate, it’ll look like a larger portion of food.

The next time you’re serving yourself some amazing food, all you need to do is put it on a small plate to trick your mind into easy weight loss!

5. Try Working Out in the Morning For Lazy Girl Weight Loss

No, not everyone loves the morning. But, working out in the morning is actually better for weight loss than evening workouts, even when the exercises are the same.

Working out in the morning:

6. Do Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has nothing to do with what you eat but when you eat. It involves eating during only certain hours of the day while not eating (fasting) during the others.

There are different intermittent fasting schedules but one of the most popular and effective is the 16/8 method. On that plan, you fast for 16 straight hours and eat only during one 8 hour window.

Intermittent fasting is one of the most beneficial lifestyle changes you can make to lose weight because it alters your hunger hormone levels. With less of those hormones, you feel less hungry throughout the day and burn more body fat.

7. Practice Self Care For Lazy Girl Weight Loss

As the self-proclaimed queen of self care, I can totally attest to this one! When you take extra time to pamper yourself, it ups your self-esteem and makes you feel better about yourself. And, when you feel good, you’re more likely to make healthier decisions on a daily basis.

In terms of lazy girl self care, think things like:

  • – A massage or facial
  • – Ordering in once a week
  • – Taking a walk or hike in a beautiful location

A little treat yourself can go a long way to help you lose weight.

8. Add More Protein, Fiber, and Fats to Your Diet

There is SO much diet food-related advice out there. And, nobody (especially lazy girls), wants to go through it all.

To make it easier, my recommendation is simple: Eat weight loss enhancing foods that are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Each of these food elements helps to induce weight loss. Here are some food suggestions for adding them into your diet:

  • Protein: Lean meats, fish, beans and legumes, protein shakes
  • Fiber: Leafy greens, fruits, whole grains
  • Healthy fats: Avocados, olive oil, nuts and seeds

If you’re a lazy girl putting together a weight loss meal plan, don’t forget to include these foods!

9. Keep Track of Your Progress For Lazy Girl Weight Loss

Tracking your weight loss progress is an awesome way to boost motivation. Thankfully, my lazy girl weight loss tips are pretty simple. Yet, everyone needs a little motivation boost at some point during their weight loss journey.

I suggest getting a journal and writing out your progress. Then, you can look back and see just how far you’ve come. A couple of ways you can track your progress include:

  • – Tracking how many days in a row you stick to your diet plan
  • – Tracking how many days in a row you stick to your workouts
  • – Track your positive feelings

10. Practice Meditation in the Morning and Night

I talk about meditation a lot on this blog. Because, it’s one of the single best ways to get your mental health in check. And, because your mental health improves, so does your physical health.

Research shows that meditation is strongly correlated with better mental health, particularly stress levels. When you feel good on the inside, it manifests on the outside!

And, meditation is particularly great for lazy girls. It doesn’t require any physical activity and is very relaxing. Bottom line: Practice meditation to lose weight and achieve overall better health.


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