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Yoga for Weight Loss: 13 Beginner-Friendly Yoga Poses

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Yoga for Weight Loss: 13 Beginner Yoga Poses

Many people use yoga for weight loss and have found it to be a more enjoyable experience for their body and their mind, compared to other workouts, such as running.

It may even make you question, “is yoga is a good enough workout?”. Since you’re basically sitting in one spot it’s hard think you could use yoga to lose weight.

That’s actually the beauty of it! Yoga helps you burn fat and get a flat belly without putting massive strain on your shins and joints.

You don’t have to be an expert at being zen, and there are many beginner yoga poses out there for weight loss.

Before we start, I want to quickly answer some commonly asked questions about yoga.

What are some yoga benefits?

Aside from using yoga for weight loss, there are many other benefits to starting a yoga practice, here’s a list of some:

  • •Increased flexibility
  • •Building strength and muscle throughout your body
  • •Reduced anxiety
  • •Protection from injury
  • •Boosting your metabolism & immunity
  • •Drops blood pressure
  • •Helps you focus
  • •Makes you happier

Can you actually lose weight by doing yoga?

Yes, absolutely.

Practicing yoga allows you to build strength all over your body using just your body weight.

This means stronger arms, core, thighs and more.

I personally have lost over 10 pounds by doing yoga, and know plenty of other people who use yoga for weight loss.

You will also feel better mentally, which will make you likely to make better food choices and take better care of yourself.

With practice and persistence you will begin to lose weight and feel more refreshed.

How many times a week should you do yoga?

It is recommended to practice 3-5 days a week for about 45-60 minutes. Making sure to take active rest days in between.

How can I lose weight with yoga at home?

What I love about yoga is that you can do it anywhere- at home, while traveling, or even at work! You don’t need much (if any) equipment, just a yoga mat.

I use the app YogaDownload and have seen drastic improvements since beginning my yoga journey.

This app has literally changed my life. I struggle from depression and anxiety and have found that yoga helps me stay motivated to connect my mind and body.

I have put together some yoga beginner poses below that you can practice from anywhere below.

13 Beginner Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

To begin, grab a yoga mat and some water and pick a quiet place nearby.

For each pose, hold for 15-30 seconds. Once you are finished with these 13 poses, you can repeat to get a more intense workout.

Pay attention to your breathing, remember to inhale for 5 deep breaths, then exhale for 5 deep breaths.

1. Upward Salute

Yoga for Weight Loss. Upward Salute. Beginner Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Start in a standing position, with the balls of your feet touching each other.

Keeping your posture straight, begin to raise your arms above your head. Bring your arms above your head, allowing your hands to touch.

Stretch out your shoulder blades, widen your collarbones, and broaden your chest.

Hold here for 6 deep breaths, then exhale slowly while bringing your arms back down to your sides.

2. Tree Pose

  1. 1. Stand straight with your legs hip-width apart.
  2. 2. Put your weight onto your right leg and lift your leg, grabbing your ankle.
  3. 3. Place your foot onto your inner right thigh. (Go slow at first and find a spot that is easy to balance, just be sure to place your foot above or below the knee, not directly on it).
  4. 4. Keep both left and right hips aligned.Focus on one spot straight ahead to stay balanced.Inhaling slowly, put your hands together in a prayer and slowly raise them directly above your head.
  5. 5. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Slowly release, then switch to the opposite side.

Yoga for Weight Loss: 3. Extended Triangle Pose

  1. 1. Stand up straight at the top of your mat. Inhale deeply. Exhale, then step your left foot back towards the end of the mat, or as far as you can go.
  2. 2. Point your left foot at about a 20 degree angle. Point your right foot straight ahead.
  3. 3. Inhale, then reach your arms to shoulder height alongside your body, parallel to the floor. Face your palms down and relax your shoulders.
  4. 4. Reach your right hand forward and rotate your right hip to bring your right hand down (make sure your torso and pelvis is still angled toward the left side of the mat).
  5. 5. Bring your left arm straight up in the air, push your shoulder blades onto your back and straighten your torso.
  6. 6. Continue to reach and lengthen your body as you balance. (You can either turn your head upwards towards the ceiling or look down, whatever’s comfortable.
  7. 7. Stay in this pose 5 deep breaths. Inhale then slowly release your left arm down, and bring your body back up to standing position.
  8. 8. Repeat on the other side

4. Half-Moon Pose

For this pose, you will follow the steps from the Extended Triangle pose above.

The only difference is you will lift your back leg up towards the ceiling instead of keeping it on the mat.

Hold for 5 deep breaths, then release and switch sides.

Yoga for Weight Loss: 5. Head to Knee Pose

  1. 1. Start by sitting up straight with both legs stretched out in front of you.
  2. 2. Grab your right leg and pull it in towards you as a half criss-cross.
  3. 3. Stretch both of your arms straight up above your head, inhale deeply.
  4. 4. Reach forward and grab your left foot (or reach out as far as you can go).
  5. 5. Keep your back straight as you hold this pose for 5 deep breaths.
  6. 6. Slowly release your stretch, unfold your right leg and place it straight in front of you.
  7. 7. Repeat on the left side.

6. Seated Forward Bend

  1. 1. Staying seated, stretch your legs straight out in front of you.
  2. 2. Reach both of your arms straight up above your head, inhale deeply.
  3. 3. Bring both of your arms down and reach towards your toes (grabbing your feet if you can)
  4. 4. Hold this pose for 10 deep breaths.
  5. 5. Slowly release, allowing your back to straighten and muscles to relax.

7. Boat Pose

  1. In a seated position with your arms straight out, bring your thighs up to your belly while bending your knees.
  2. Inhale deeply and extend your arms straight out, along the sides of your legs.
  3. Hold here for 10 deep breaths.
  4. Slowly release your arms and legs back down.

Yoga for Weight Loss: 8. Table Top Pose

Now, we are going to shift from a seated position to standing on your hands and knees. Make sure your shoulders are aligned with your hands, and your knees are aligned with your hips. This is called the Table Top Pose.

The Table Top Pose helps your arms, shoulders, and lower back.

Stay in this position for 5 deep breaths, then begin the Cat Pose below.

9. Cat Pose

  1. Starting from Table Top Pose, inhale deeply then round your spine towards the ceiling. Keep your hands and legs in place, and relaxing your head.
  2. Hold for 3 deep breaths, then release.
  3. Repeat 3x

10. Lion Pose

  1. Sit back with your butt on your heels.
  2. Stretch out your hips as far as you can, while leaning forward with your hands in between your hips, palms facing backwards.
  3. Arch your spine, then towards the ceiling and stick your tongue out and roar like a lion! (Have some fun with this one 😉 )
  4. Release your spine, then repeat 3x.

11. Baby Cobra Pose

Yoga for Weight Loss.Baby Cobra Pose. Beginner Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
  1. Lie down flat on your belly, with your arms by your sides. Hold for 3 deep breaths.
  2. Slowly lift your head towards the ceiling and sit up on your elbows.
  3. Point your toes out, while keeping your hands straight.
  4. Release back down to the ground, then repeat 3x.

12. Locust Pose

  1. Begin by laying flat on your belly, with your arms at your side
  2. Place the palms of your hands flat on the ground, while keeping them by your side
  3. Point your toes out, lift up your legs, head and torso off of the floor.
  4. Raise your hands up, with palms still facing down.
  5. Hold here for 5 deep breaths.
  6. Release the pose by slowly bringing everything back down to the floor.

Yoga for Weight Loss: 13. Hare Pose

For this final pose, feel free to stay in this pose for as long as you like.

  1. Start by sitting on your knees.
  2. Reach your hands straight above your head, allowing all of your muscles to stretch out.
  3. Keeping your arms straight, reach them down towards the ground, bringing your whole body to the floor.
  4. Rest your head on the ground.
  5. Relax your whole body. Sink deeper into your heels and allow your arms to reach further out in front of you.
  6. Inhale deeply, then exhale deeply. Hold this pose until you’re ready to complete your yoga practice.




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