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How to Tone Your Body in Only Six Weeks

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How to tone your body in just 6 weeks without going to the gym. Learn the best ways to tone up while at home. Nutritional help and diet help.

Does it feel like you’ve been spending weeks or even months on end trying to tone up without getting any results? If so, these are my top tips on how to tone your body in 6 weeks!

There’s a lot of information out there on how to lose weight and tone up.  But, as you may already know, most of these plans sadly fail.  To make things easier and help you get the job done, check out my top tips on how to tone up in no time.

Eat More (and Less) of These Foods

When it comes to toning your body, having a look at your diet is where you should start.  For starters, consider how much fiber you’re eating.

Foods high in fiber are typically low calorie yet dense so you feel fuller for longer and won’t eat as much.  Foods high in fiber include:

  • – Fruits and veggies (with the skin on)
  • – Whole grains like oatmeal and quinoa
  • – Beans and legumes

Also, make sure that you’re not eating certain foods that will counteract your efforts to tone up your body.  Some of those foods include those that are:

  • – High in saturated and trans fats
  • – Heavily processed
  • – High in salt and sugar
  • – Dairy products
  • – Carbonated drinks

Each of these foods tends to pack excess fat on your body and cause bloating.  But, you don’t need to cut these food groups out completely.  Instead, limit your consumption of them by eating them sparingly.  For example, you could incorporate foods high in these items into one of your weekly cheat meals!

Get Regular Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise, or aerobics, is essential if you want to have a toned body because cardio sheds body fat to reveal a toned physique.

In order for cardio to be effective, you need to get your heart rate up above it’s resting level and keep it there.  Some exercises you can do to get your heart rate up include:

  • – Dancing
  • – Running
  • – Biking

Running is a classic and simple exercise for getting your heart rate up high. If you’re new to running, get started with my go-to beginner’s running guide.

Or, if running isn’t your thing, don’t force yourself to do it. Just try walking. While walking may not be the first exercise you think of as being good for burning fat, it’s actually just as effective as running.

Regardless of what cardio exercise you go with, you’ll shed body fat and pave the way for a completely toned body.

Schedule Your Meals Correctly

Intermittent fasting is all the rage in the weight loss and health community these days. It seems as if everyone is jumping on the trend as a way to lose weight and tone up.

Incase you haven’t already heard, intermittent fasting is when you eat only during specific hours of the day and fast (eat nothing) for the other hours.

You may be wondering whether going on such a strict meal schedule will actually help you tone your body? And, the answer is YES.

Creating an intermittent fasting schedule will help you tone your entire body.  Because, fasting is helpful for burning body fat in areas that you want to look toned.  Fasting helps burn fat in several ways including:

  • – Lowering blood insulin levels
  • – Increasing human growth hormone (HGH) levels
  • – Detoxing your body

Two of the most common and effective intermittent fasting schedules are the 16/8 and 5:2 methods.  The 16/8 method means that you fast for 16 hours of the day and eat only during one 8 hour period.  The 5:2 method means you eat normally for 5 days of the week and eat only 500 calories for 2 days.

Either schedule go with, you will drop body fat and tone up your entire body.

Drink Lots of Water

You may think that drinking a lot of water would do the opposite of toning your body. Actually though, drinking lots of water is exactly what you need to do to tone up.

Water is particularly important for helping you get a flat tummy.  When your tummy is flat, your toned muscles show through better.  Water promotes a good digestive flow which in turn flattens out your tummy area.

And, water is essential for detoxing your body of many toxins including excess salt.  Salt specifically is often what causes your body to bloat.  Having a bloated body does not make you feel or look your best but you can help reduce it by drinking lots of water.  With less bloat, your body will be more toned.

Not only will drinking water help tone your body in 6 weeks by helping with digestion and detoxification, but it will also help with toning by:

If drinking water is difficult for you because of the bland flavor, try drinking cucumber water for extra flavor and toning benefits.

Tone Your Muscles With These Exercises

Having lean muscles not only makes you stronger, but also enhances your natural body shape and tones you from head to toe.  I have a full list of my top exercises for toning your upper, middle, and lower body.  And, the best thing about them is that they require no equipment and can be done right at home.

Here are my favorite exercises for toning your whole body:

  • – Upper body: Push-ups, tricep dips, supermans
  • – Core: Russian twists, bicycle crunches, hip bridges, planks
  • – Lower body: Jump squats, lunges, donkey kicks

In addition to these exercises, I also recommend yoga.  Yoga tones and lengthens your muscles at the same time.  As a result, your body looks longer and leaner. If you’re a yoga newbie, then start by giving this gentle yoga routine a try.

Final Thoughts on Toning Your Body in 6 Weeks

The best way to tone your body in 6 weeks is to do it in a sustainable way with my tips. No crash dieting, no over-exercising. Just doing things that create a healthier you and tone your body in the process.

To help you integrate these tips into your daily life, I suggest giving meditation a try.  Meditation calms your mind so you have an easier time achieving your goals!


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