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How to Fix Hormonal Imbalance in Women

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How to Fix Hormonal Imbalance in Women - Wellness Reset Coach (3)

Do you regularly feel irritable, tired, or overall unwell with no reasonable explanation?  If so, you could be experiencing a hormonal imbalance.

Nearly 80% of women experience a hormonal imbalance at least once in their life. 

Yet, few women ever know that their hormones are imbalanced or solve the symptoms associated with imbalance. 

Thankfully, balancing your hormones is achievable with natural supplements and holistic lifestyle changes.

Common Problems Caused by Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalance can strike at any time in your life.  Whether you are 20 or 50, imbalances are very common.  While it is most commonly associated with menopause, it might also occur during:

  • 1. Adolescence
  • 2. Your period
  • 3. Pregnancy

Therefore, it is likely that every woman will experience it at least once in her life.

Common symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance include:

  • 1. Hot flashes
  • 2. Weight gain
  • 3. Insomnia
  • 4. Inflammation
  • 5. Fatigue
  • 6. Irritability

If you are experiencing one or more of these issues, you might have a hormonal imbalance.

The good news is that you can fix your imbalance and get rid of these symptoms with simple changes.  Combating hormonal imbalance from a holistic approach is one of the best ways to cure these symptoms and re-balance your hormones. 

Check out my guide to naturally fix hormonal imbalance in women.

1. Try a Hormone Balancing Supplement

A hormone balancing supplement is one of the easiest and most effective hormonal imbalance fixes. You can take it along with your other daily vitamins.

Supplements like the Stasis Women’s Health Support naturally help re-balance hormones. Specifically, it balances estrogen and other hormones like the stress hormone, cortisol. As a result, you’ll:

  • 1. Feel more energized
  • 2. Improve your complexion
  • 3. Have fewer hot flashes

The Stasis Women’s supplement is great for women experiencing perimenopause. It’s also good for women experiencing imbalance throughout their menstrual cycle.

2. Avoid Refined Sugars and Carbs

Next, try changing up your diet to prevent hormone imbalance. Reducing your sugar and refined carb intake should particularly help. Diets high in sugar are specifically linked to irritability and mood fluctuations.

Refined sugars and carbs include:

  • 1. White bread
  • 2. Pasta
  • 3. White potatoes
  • 4. Table sugar
  • 5. Processed desserts

Diets high in sugar cause spikes in your insulin hormones. Insulin spikes lead to fluctuations in other hormones such as estrogen.

As a result, you’ll experience hormone imbalance regardless of your age or where you’re at in your menstrual cycle.

Instead of refined carbs, try eating complex carbs and low sugar fruits. Think brown rice and whole grains as well as strawberries and grapefruits.

Reducing your sugar intake will help balance your hormones.

Whether you are in menopause or just experience hormone imbalance throughout your cycle.

3. Increase Your Protein and Healthy Fat Intake

Additionally, you should alter your diet by increasing your protein and fat intake.

Perhaps you experience high levels of hunger throughout your cycle. This could also be due to hormonal imbalance. Specifically, hormonal imbalance caused by protein and fats deficiency.

Eating a diet low in protein leads to:

  • 1. Feeling excessively hungry
  • 2. Increased cravings

If you feel either of these symptoms, try eating more protein and fat. Protein in particular decreases ghrelin levels. Ghrelin is the hormone that controls your hunger levels.

Therefore, if you feel very hungry at certain times of the month, try eating more protein.  This might help balance your hormones and reduce your hunger and cravings.

4. Exercise Regularly

Getting enough exercise is important for balancing your hormones. And, getting too much exercise could also cause hormonal imbalance.

First off, you need to get regular exercise in order to keep your hormones in check. Lack of exercise is associated with:

  • 1. Severe PMS
  • 2. Higher stress
  • 3. Increased food cravings.

You also don’t need to get a lot of exercise in order to balance your hormones.

Light walking or relaxing yoga will do the trick.

Getting too much exercise is also bad for your hormones.

While it’s healthy to lift weights and run long distances, overdoing it could cause hormone imbalance.

If you feel overly tired, irritable, or lose your period, you might want to scale back your workouts.

Once you start decreasing the intensity of your workouts, your hormones should re-balance.

5. Get Enough Sleep Every Night

Increasing the amount of sleep you get every night might be the most exciting thing about balancing hormones. Sleep allows your body to relax and recharge. And it gives your hormones time to balance themselves.

We all know what it’s like to not get enough sleep. Poor sleep is related to many symptoms including:

  • 1. Increased irritability
  • 2. Increased food cravings
  • 3. Decreased exercise
  • 4. Poor diet

All of these symptoms are attributed to hormone imbalance caused by poor sleep. So, if you’re not getting enough sleep, then your hormones suffer.

In order to get better sleep, you should:

  • 1. Try to sleep for longer
  • 2. Improve the quality of your sleep

Set aside more time every day to get enough sleep. Also, improve the quality of your sleep by putting your phone away at night or turning on essential oils before bed. More high quality sleep will help balance your hormones.

6. Reduce High Stress Levels

High stress and anxiety will reap havoc on your hormones. Reducing stress and anxiety are key to re-balancing your hormones.

When you stress a lot, your cortisol hormone levels increase. High cortisol levels can cause symptoms such as:

  • 1. Anxiety
  • 2. Weight gain
  • 3. High blood pressure

Also, high cortisol causes your estrogen levels to increase. Estrogen levels that are too high have their own set of problems including mood swings and sleepiness.

Stress causes a domino effect with your hormones. Decrease your stress through yoga and meditation in order to rebalance your hormones.

The Bottom Line: Correct Hormonal Imbalance Holistically

You don’t need to take drastic measures to re-balance your hormones.

A daily hormone balancing supplement, diet changes, and other lifestyle changes will do the trick.

If you experience unexplainable symptoms like the ones above, try one of these hormone balancing tricks. They are simple, relieve your hormone-related symptoms, and lead to an overall healthier lifestyle.


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