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Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

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Best Superfoods for Weight Loss -

Looking to speed up your weight loss results? If so, then check out these top superfoods for weight loss.

Each of these foods contains powerful weight loss inducing properties. Try adding each of them into your diet in order to maximize your weight loss potential.

1. Green Tea

Green tea is one of the best superfoods for weight loss in the world. It contains several powerful weight loss inducing elements including:

  • 1. EGCG
  • 2. Caffeine
  • 3. B vitamins

EGCG is also known as epigallocatechin gallate and is green tea’s most effective weight loss property. It is a type of catechin which is a plant based compound known for helping you lose weight. EGCG and other catechins help you lose weight by:

2. Quinoa

Quinoa has been harvested for its highly nutritious properties for centuries.  In fact, the ancient Incas consumed quinoa before going into battle in order to keep their energy levels high.

To this day, people still eat quinoa in order to keep their energy high.  However, they usually eat it in order to have more energy during workouts.  Additionally, people these days eat it for its weight loss properties.  Some of quinoa’s weight loss properties include:

  • 1. Essential amino acids
  • 2. High fiber content
  • 3. High levels of folate

Quinoa is a complete protein. This means that it contains all of the 9 essential amino acids that your body cannot make on its own. Diets high in protein are routinely shown to help you lose weight.

In one study, people who ate high protein diets had higher levels of ghrelin in their blood. Ghrelin is a hormone that makes you feel full and can help you loose weight.

3. Beans and Legumes

Beans and legumes are another plant food that is very high in protein.  Legumes include lentils, chickpeas, and other types of peas.  Not only are they high in protein, they are also high in fiber.

Add fiber to your diet if you’re trying to lose weight.  Fiber helps you lose weight by:

  • 1. Regulating gut bacteria levels
  • 2. Helping you feel fuller for longer
  • 3. Lowering blood sugar

The next time you have a salad, try topping it with beans for protein rather than meat.

4. Citrus Fruits

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Add some sweetness into your life and lose weight by snacking on citrus fruits. Some popular citrus fruits include:

In addition to helping you lose weight, citrus fruits also help you feel and look your best.  Their vitamin C helps your immune system fight off bugs while keeping your skin glowing.

One simple way to get the weight loss benefits of citrus is by adding it to your water.  For example, try adding a squeeze of lemon to your water in the morning.

5. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and brussel sprouts are all staples for weight loss. They are very high in fiber and other vitamins while being very low calories.

While these greens are fantastic for weight loss, not everyone enjoys their flavor. Whether this is you or not, give yourself an extra shot of greens with Vitauthority’s Lean Greens. It contains multiple green superfoods for weight loss including spirulina and matcha. Some of Lean Greens’ benefits include:

  • 1. Easier weight loss
  • 2. Digestive support
  • 3. Lower stress levels

A great way to integrate Lean Greens is by adding it to your favorite green smoothie.  This way, you’ll get a shot of greens without having to eat a kale salad everyday!

6. Sweet Potatoes

French fries are my guilty pleasure food and I crave them often. One way I can still eat french fries without going off my healthy meal plan is by making sweet potato fries.

Sweet potatoes are very high in beta carotene. Beta carotene converts into vitamin A. Studies on vitamin A show that it is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism. A healthy metabolism helps you burn body fat more efficiently.

If you’re like me and love french fries but still want to lose weight, then give this baked sweet potato fries recipe a try.

7. Coconut Oil

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Coconut oil is a new star in the weight loss world.  It’s not only good for weight loss though.  It’s actually versatile enough to be used in your beauty and hair care routines.

The effective weight loss element in coconut oil is fat. Coconut oil is almost 100% made up of fats. It’s particular fats include medium and long chain triglycerides (MLCT).

During experiments, diets that included MLCTs resulted in participants eating overall fewer calories. Therefore, coconut oil could suppress your appetite and prevent you from overeating.

Try integrating coconut oil into your diet the following ways:

  • 1. Mix it into your morning coffee
  • 2. Add it to your protein shake
  • 3. Use it to stir fry vegetables

The sweetness of the coconut oil will enhance the taste of the foods that you eat with it.

8. Coffee

Coffee is great for energy, sanity, and weight loss!

Similar to green tea, coffee contains caffeine.  Caffeine increases your resting metabolism.  A higher resting metabolism means that you burn more calories while at rest.  This means that you could burn extra body fat thanks to caffeine in coffee.

Be sure to check out our yummy coffee protein shake recipes! They’re great for helping you burn a few extra calories following your daily workout.

9. Turmeric

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Turmeric is one of the best herbs for weight loss. It’s also one of the overall most healthy.

In addition to helping you drop pounds, consuming turmeric is also associated with:

  • 1. Lower BMIs
  • 2. Smaller waist circumferences

Not only should you use turmeric for weight loss, but you should also use it to:

  • 1. Improve brain function
  • 2. Lower your risk of heart disease
  • 3. Prevent cancer

10. Dark Chocolate

Yes, chocolate! Unlike white or milk chocolate, dark chocolate is healthy and a superfood for weight loss. Some of its benefits related to weight loss include:

  • 1. Providing many healthy antioxidants
  • 2. Reducing unhealthy food cravings
  • 3. Promoting healthier insulin levels in blood

As long as you stick to one serving of dark chocolate per day, it makes for the perfect weight loss snack.

Bottom Line: Superfoods for Weight Loss

Whether you want to lose weight or not, these superfoods will do your body well.  If losing weight is your goal though, try adding at least one of them to each of the meals in your regular meal plan.  This will supercharge your weight loss results!

Extra tip: Check out our full guide to turmeric and then give this yummy turmeric latte recipe a try!


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